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True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon: The Best Way to Experience a Zombie Outbreak in Minecraft

Writer's picture: indalrarimibufrialindalrarimibufrial

True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon: How to Survive in a World Overrun by the Undead

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up in a world overrun by zombies? How would you survive in a hostile environment where every corner could hide a deadly threat? If you are looking for a challenge and a thrill, then you should try out True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon, a mod that transforms Minecraft into a realistic and immersive zombie survival game.

true survival - zombie apocalypse addon

True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon is an addon that adds a lot of new features, items, mobs, structures, and events to Minecraft, making it more realistic, challenging, and fun. You will have to face different types of zombies, craft weapons and tools, collect resources, trade with survivors, explore structures, find secrets, and ultimately, find a cure for the zombie virus. It is not an easy task, but it is definitely worth it.

In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about this addon, from how to install it and activate experimental mode, to how to survive in a zombie-infested world. We will cover the history of the zombie apocalypse, the zombies and their types, the weapons and tools for survival, the crafting and collecting system, the structures and features of the world, and some tips and tricks for survival. We will also answer some frequently asked questions that you might have about this addon. So, without further ado, let's get started.


True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon is an addon created by Four Worlds Studios, a team of talented modders who have made several other addons for Minecraft. It is one of the most popular and well-made addons for Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition, with over 78,000 views on 9Minecraft, one of the websites where you can download it.

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The addon adds a lot of new features to Minecraft, making it more realistic, challenging, and fun. Some of these features are:

  • A deadly virus that has turned most of the Minecraft world into zombies.

  • Different types of zombies with different characteristics and abilities.

  • New weapons and tools that you can craft or find in the world.

  • New items and resources that you can collect or trade with survivors.

  • New structures and features that you can find or build in the world.

Random events and challenges that occur in the world.To install the addon, you will need to download the .mcaddon file from one of the websites where it is available, such as 9Minecraft or MCPEDL. Then, you will need to open the file with Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition and it will automatically import the addon to your game. You can also use a file manager app to move the file to the games/com.mojang/behavior_packs folder on your device.

However, before you start playing with the addon, you will need to activate experimental mode in your world settings. This is because the addon uses some features that are not fully supported by the game yet, such as custom entities and items. To activate experimental mode, you will need to go to your world settings, scroll down to the bottom, and toggle on the "Use Experimental Gameplay" option. You will also need to enable cheats in your world settings, as some of the features of the addon require commands to work properly.

Once you have done that, you are ready to enter the world of True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon. Be prepared for a challenge and a thrill, as you will face many dangers and surprises in this addon. Let's take a look at the history of the zombie apocalypse and how it changed the Minecraft world.

The History of the Zombie Apocalypse

The zombie apocalypse in True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon is not a random event that happened overnight. It is the result of a long and tragic history that involved a deadly virus, a secret experiment, and a global catastrophe.

According to the lore of the addon, it all started when a mysterious virus was discovered in a remote jungle. The virus had the ability to reanimate dead cells and turn living beings into mindless zombies. A group of scientists decided to study the virus and try to find a cure for it. They took samples of the virus and brought them to a secret laboratory hidden under a mountain.

However, things went wrong when one of the scientists got infected by the virus and turned into a zombie. He attacked his colleagues and caused a chain reaction that spread the virus throughout the laboratory. The laboratory was sealed off by an automatic security system, trapping the scientists and the zombies inside.

Meanwhile, the virus also escaped from the laboratory through a ventilation shaft and reached the surface. It infected animals, plants, and humans alike, turning them into zombies or mutating them into monstrous creatures. The virus spread rapidly across the world, causing chaos and destruction everywhere.

The few survivors who managed to avoid or resist the infection had to fight for their lives in a hostile environment. They had to scavenge for resources, craft weapons and tools, build shelters, and form alliances with other survivors. They also had to deal with other threats besides zombies, such as bandits, raiders, mutants, and more.

This is the world that you will enter when you play True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon. A world where nothing is safe and everything is possible. A world where you will have to use your skills, creativity, and courage to survive. A world where you will have to find a way to end the zombie apocalypse and save humanity.

The Zombies and Their Types

The zombies are the main enemies that you will encounter in True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon. They are everywhere in the world, roaming around in search of flesh and blood. They are not your typical Minecraft zombies, though. They are more realistic, diverse, and dangerous than ever before.

The zombies in this addon have different types, each with their own characteristics and abilities. Some of them are faster, stronger, smarter, or more resilient than others. Some of them can even infect you with their bites or scratches, turning you into a zombie yourself if you don't cure yourself in time.

Here are some of the types of zombies that you will face in this addon:





The most common type of zombie. They are slow but persistent. They can spawn anywhere in the world.



A faster type of zombie. They can run at high speeds and chase you down. They usually spawn at night or in dark places.



A type of zombie that has lost its legs. They crawl on the ground and can sneak up on you. They can spawn from dead walkers or runners.



A stronger type of zombie. They have more health and damage than other zombies. They can break blocks and throw them at you. They are rare and usually spawn in groups of zombies.



A type of zombie that can spit acid at you. The acid can damage you and your armor. They are also immune to fire. They are uncommon and usually spawn in swamps or jungles.



A type of zombie that can cast spells at you. The spells can cause various effects, such as blindness, slowness, poison, or fire. They are also immune to magic damage. They are very rare and usually spawn in witch huts or mansions.



A type of zombie that is much stronger and smarter than other zombies. They have unique abilities and can command other zombies. They are extremely rare and usually spawn in special structures or events.


To fight or avoid the zombies, you will need to use different strategies depending on the situation. For example, you can use melee weapons, such as swords, axes, or knives, to deal more damage to the zombies, but you will also risk getting infected by their bites or scratches. You can use ranged weapons, such as bows, crossbows, or guns, to keep a safe distance from the zombies, but you will also need to find or craft ammo for them. You can use explosives, such as grenades, TNT, or rockets, to deal massive damage to the zombies, but you will also damage the environment and attract more zombies.

You can also use stealth, traps, barricades, or distractions to avoid or lure the zombies away from you. For example, you can use crouching, sneaking, or camouflage to reduce your visibility and noise level. You can use spikes, pits, wires, or mines to injure or kill the zombies. You can use doors, fences, walls, or sandbags to block the zombies' path. You can use firecrackers, radios, flares, or meat to attract the zombies' attention.

If you get infected by a zombie bite or scratch, you will need to cure yourself as soon as possible. You can use bandages, antiseptics, antibiotics, or vaccines to slow down or stop the infection. However, these items are not easy to find or craft, so you will need to be careful and avoid getting infected in the first place.

If you encounter a zombie that is wearing a helmet or a collar, you might be able to cure it and turn it back into a human or an animal. You will need to use a syringe filled with a special serum that can reverse the effects of the virus. However, this serum is very rare and hard to make, so you will need to use it wisely.

The Weapons and Tools for Survival

To survive in a zombie-infested world, you will need more than just your fists and your wits. You will need weapons and tools that can help you fight off the zombies and other threats, as well as perform various tasks and activities.

True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon adds a lot of new weapons and tools that you can craft or find in the world. Some of them are:

  • Knives: A basic weapon that can be used for melee combat or cutting things. You can craft different types of knives with different materials, such as wood, stone, iron, gold or diamond. You can also find knives in chests or loot bags.

  • Guns: A powerful weapon that can be used for ranged combat. You can craft different types of guns with different materials, such as pistols, rifles, shotguns, or snipers. You can also find guns in chests or loot bags. However, you will need to find or craft ammo for your guns, such as bullets, shells, or magazines.

  • Grenades: An explosive weapon that can be used for area damage. You can craft different types of grenades with different materials, such as frag grenades, smoke grenades, flash grenades, or molotov cocktails. You can also find grenades in chests or loot bags. However, you will need to be careful when using grenades, as they can damage you and the environment, as well as attract more zombies.

  • Tools: Various items that can be used for different purposes, such as mining, farming, building, repairing, or crafting. You can craft different types of tools with different materials, such as pickaxes, shovels, axes, hoes, hammers, wrenches, or scissors. You can also find tools in chests or loot bags.

To use these weapons and tools effectively, you will need to know how to use them and when to use them. For example, you can use knives for close-range combat or cutting things like ropes or wires. You can use guns for long-range combat or shooting things like switches or barrels. You can use grenades for clearing groups of zombies or creating diversions. You can use tools for mining resources or building structures.

You will also need to know how to create ammo for your guns and grenades. You can craft ammo with different materials, such as gunpowder, iron nuggets, paper, glass bottles, or cloth. You can also find ammo in chests or loot bags. However, ammo is not unlimited and you will need to conserve it and use it wisely.

The Crafting and Collecting System

To survive in a zombie-infested world, you will also need more than just weapons and tools. You will need items and resources that can help you with your survival needs, such as food, water, medicine, clothing, fuel, or electricity.

True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon adds a lot of new items and resources that you can craft or collect in the world. Some of them are:

  • Food: Various edible items that can restore your hunger and health. You can craft different types of food with different ingredients, such as bread, soup, salad or cake. You can also find food in chests, loot bags, farms, or animals. However, food can spoil over time and cause negative effects if you eat it.

  • Water: A vital resource that can restore your thirst and health. You can craft different types of water with different containers, such as bottles, buckets, or canteens. You can also find water in chests, loot bags, wells, or rivers. However, water can be contaminated or polluted and cause negative effects if you drink it.

  • Medicine: Various items that can heal your wounds, cure your infections, or boost your immunity. You can craft different types of medicine with different materials, such as bandages, antiseptics, antibiotics, or vaccines. You can also find medicine in chests, loot bags, pharmacies, or hospitals. However, medicine is scarce and valuable and you will need to use it wisely.

  • Clothing: Various items that can protect you from the weather, the environment, or the zombies. You can craft different types of clothing with different materials, such as leather, wool, iron, or diamond. You can also find clothing in chests, loot bags, houses, or shops. However, clothing can wear out or break and you will need to repair it or replace it.

  • Fuel: A useful resource that can power your vehicles, generators, or machines. You can craft different types of fuel with different materials, such as coal, charcoal, oil, or ethanol. You can also find fuel in chests, loot bags, mines, or gas stations. However, fuel is limited and expensive and you will need to conserve it and use it efficiently.

  • Electricity: A crucial resource that can light up your base, charge your devices, or activate your traps. You can craft different types of electricity with different materials, such as redstone, batteries or solar panels. You can also find electricity in chests, loot bags, power plants, or military bases. However, electricity is unstable and risky and you will need to manage it and use it carefully.

To use these items and resources effectively, you will need to know how to craft them and when to use them. For example, you can use food and water to restore your hunger and thirst, which are essential for your survival. You can use medicine to heal your wounds or cure your infections, which can be fatal if left untreated. You can use clothing to protect you from the weather or the zombies, which can affect your performance or your health. You can use fuel and electricity to power your vehicles or your base, which can give you an advantage or a comfort.

You will also need to know how to find the cure for the zombie virus and save the world. You can craft the cure with a special serum that can reverse the effects of the virus. You can also find the cure in chests, loot bags, laboratories, or bunkers. However, the cure is very rare and hard to make, so you will need to search for it and use it wisely.

The Structures and Features of the World

To survive in a zombie-infested world, you will also need more than just items and resources. You will need structures and features that can help you with your exploration, your defense, or your entertainment.

True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon adds a lot of new structures and features that you can find or build in the world. Some of them are:

  • Structures: Various buildings that can be found or built in the world. You can find structures such as houses, shops, farms, factories, hospitals, schools, churches, prisons or military bases. You can also build structures such as shelters, bases, camps, or fortresses. However, structures can be damaged or destroyed by zombies or other threats, so you will need to repair them or protect them.

  • Features: Various elements that can be found or added in the world. You can find features such as loot bags, chests, crates, barrels, cars, bikes, helicopters, planes, boats, or trains. You can also add features such as traps, wires, cameras, speakers, lights, or generators. However, features can be looted or sabotaged by zombies or other survivors, so you will need to secure them or hide them.

To use these structures and features effectively, you will need to know how to find them and when to use them. For example, you can use structures to find loot, shelter, or allies. You can also use structures to create your own base or fortress. You can use features to transport yourself, store your items, or power your devices. You can also use features to create your own traps or diversions.

You will also need to know how to deal with the random events and challenges that occur in the world. You can encounter events such as zombie hordes, bandit raids, survivor encounters, supply drops, or air strikes. You can also face challenges such as weather changes, natural disasters, power outages, or radio broadcasts. However, events and challenges can be beneficial or harmful depending on how you react to them.


True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse Addon is an addon that transforms Minecraft into a realistic and immersive zombie survival game. It adds a lot of new features, items, mobs, structures, and events to Minecraft, making it more realistic, challenging, and fun. You will have to face different types of zombies A: To report a bug or a problem with this addon, you will need to contact the developers of this addon through their official website, Twitter, YouTube, or Discord. You will need to provide them with the following information: - The version of the addon that you are using. - The device and platform that you are playing on. - The steps to reproduce the bug or the problem. - The screenshots or videos of the bug or the problem if possible. The developers will try to fix the bug or the problem as soon as possible and update the addon accordingly. Q: How do I support the developers of this addon?

A: To support the developers of this addon, you can do any of the following things: - Share this addon with your friends and family and encourage them to play with it. - Leave a positive review and rating for this addon on the websites where you downloaded it. - Follow the developers on their social media channels and subscribe to their YouTube channel. - Donate to the developers through their official website or Patreon page. Your support will help the developers to continue making and improving this addon and creating more awesome addons for Minecraft. 44f88ac181


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